Kilde: Ofrenes syn på dommen i sagen mod Biljana Plavsic

Medlemmer af en forening som repræsenterer kvindelige overlevende og kommisisionen for de savnede udtaler sig om sagen mod Biljana Plavsic:

”We, the families, find it rediculous that some mitigating circumstances were taken into account in Plavsic’s case. Plavsic wasn’t so sympathetic when she issued orders that resulted in women, children and elderly people being killed”. 

”Plavsic will spend just two and a half minutes in prison for every one of her 200.000 Bosniak and Croat victims. […] I just wonder how the victims of the Nazis during the Second World War would have reacted if Hitler, Goebbels or Goering had been brought before a court and sentenced to 11 years in prison”.